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Norwegian language tests before 2014

Before the digital Norwegian language test (norskprøven) started in 2014, there were several other tests of Norwegian. Below you can compare the test results with the results of today’s Norwegian language test (norskprøven).

Tests from the period 1992-2014

Norwegian language test 2005-2014

The Norwegian language test "Norskprøve 2 og 3 for voksne innvandrere":

  • Norskprøve 2 - Bestått is equivalent to A2
  • Norskprøve 3 - Bestått is equivalent to B1

Norwegian language test 1999-2005

The Norwegian language test "Språkprøven i norsk for voksne innvandrere":

  • Skriftlig - Bestått/Godt bestått is equivalent to B1
  • Muntlig - Bestått/Godt bestått is equivalent to B1

Norwegian language test 1996-1999

The Norwegian language test "Språkprøven i norsk for fremmedspråklige voksne":

  • Under 220 - Not applicable
  • 220 and higher - Equivalent to B1

Norwegian language test 1992-1996

The Norwegian language test "Test i norsk for fremmedspråklige - mellomnivå":

  • Under 220 - Not applicable
  • 220 and higher - Equivalent to B1

Ask for confirmation

If you have taken any of the tests above, you can ask us for a written confirmation of your results. (But you will not receive a new test certificate.)

Send your request for confirmation of Norwegian language test results using this digital form. The form is only available in Norwegian.

You will receive an answer from us within three weeks. If you have passed the test, we will send you a letter confirming your results. The letter will be sent digitally, via Digipost/e-Boks.